Learning Centers Network
Primary School Drop-Out Rates fall 80% … Since the opening of the Balkan Sunflowers Learning Center in Fushe Kosova in April 2008, the number of children from the communities we serve quitting school– during primary school! – has fallen from 120 for the 2007-2008 school year to 14 during the 2009-2010 school year. While this is most dramatic in Fushe Kosova, as this is BSF’s largest center, a…
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Since opening the Learning Centers Network in 2008, there have been many direct and indirect educational and social benefits which can be seen across the four communities where we work. Directly or indirectly the 6,400 Roma, Ashkali and Egyptians living in the 4 towns are positively affected. Children who attend the LCN are better prepared to enter school, pass from class to class, graduate and…
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The centers implement the following programs: Child-Centered Learning Programs. Each Learning Center will implement these programs: School Preparatory Program – Ages 5-7. During the year prior to beginning primary school, or preschool if already available in their communities, children are the central beneficiaries of this program. Using arts, music, and play activities the program focuses on…
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Balkan Sunflowers Kosova është duke zbatuar projektin “Forcimi i shërbimeve sociale gjithëpërfshirëse - cilësia e edukimi për të zbutur ndikimin e COVID-19 pandemis te fëmijët romë, ashkali dhe egjiptianë”, dhe ka për synim forcimin e shërbimeve sociale cilësore dhe gjithëpërfshirëse për fëmijët në nevojë në 5 qendra mësimore të cilat gjenden në 4 komuna (Fushë Kosovë, Shtime, Gracanicë dhe…
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