Kosovo Education and Employment Network (KEEN)
Kosovo Education and Employment Network (KEEN) Project
Project is implemented by Kosovo Education Center (KEC), Employment and Promotion Agency Kosovo-APPK; Balkan Sunflowers Kosova-BSFK; Academy for Training and Technical Assistance (ATTA) and SPARK.
Overall objective: To contribute to the improvement of employability of vulnerable groups in Kosovo and their inclusiveness in both the education sector and the labour market, by promoting partnership and dialogue between civil society, government and the business sector.
DURATION: 29/December/2015 - 28/December/2019
PROJECT PURPOSES: Specific Objective: To increase alignment of education and training programs with labour market needs by enhancing participation of civil society organisations in decision making, policy development and policy monitoring at central and local levels, and by facilitating dialogue between education & training institutions and businesses.
1.1. Carry out need analysis for capacity building at the municipal level (Municipal Education Directorates – MEDs etc); 1.2. Develop a capacity building plan; 1.3. Implement capacity building activities based on the plan; 1.4. Organize study visits to EU and WBC; 1.5. Develop the Network Strategy; 2.1. Set up a number of specialized working groups to contribute to the development of national policies; 2.2. Organize discussion on education & employment issues; 2.3. Assist local authorities in developing local action plans for implementation of national policies. 3.1. Develop platforms for monitoring selected national and local policies; 3.2. Monitor selected national and local policies; 3.3. Advocate for implementation of policies from the field of educations and employment. 4.1. Carry out a study on links of education & training with labour market; 4.2. Facilitate a thematic dialogue between stakeholders; 4.3. Organize two study visits to learn from experience of other countries; 4.4. Provide assistance to 10 education & training institutions to establish links with businesses; 4.5. Organize a national conference for sharing good practices.
1. Improved capacity of civil society organizations for participation in policy dialogue, development and monitoring; 2. CSOs contribute to development of national and local policies and legislation; 3. CSOs monitor key national and local policies on education & training and employment; 4. CSOs contribute to improved links of education & training programs with the Labour Market.