Kosovo Integration (KOSINT)
Kosovo Integration (KOSINT) 2020
This project aims to improve access forRoma, Ashkali and Egyptian communities to Employment, Housing, and Democratization (Election and Census) by contributing to impact the fulfilment of the respective commitments made by the Government of Kosovo, in form of sector reform policies focusing on Employment, Housing as well as democratization and active citizenship. By monitoring implementation of sectoral reforms, and by influencing policy development, democracy mainstreaming and budget planning, the coalition contributes to the implementation of proclaimed policies and consequently to the inclusion of Roma, Ashkali and Egyptian communities in the society. The following are the project objectives:
Wider objective: To improve access to Employment, Housing, and Democratization of Roma, Ashkali and Egyptian communities in Kosovo through dialogue between the Civil Society and the Government.
Project purpose: To contribute to fulfilment of the commitments made by the Government of Kosovo with respect to inclusion of Roma, Ashkali and Egyptian communities in Kosovo in the Employment, Housing, and Democratization (Election and Census), by enhancing participation of civil society organizations in sectoral reform monitoring, policy development and budget planning.
Project is implemented in partnership with Syri Visionit (SiV), Roma and Ashkali Documentation Center (RADC), and Voice of Roma, Ashkali and Egyptians (VoRAE).
The Project has fiveinterlinked components in line with expected results indicated below:
- Community empowerment
- Policy development
- Responsive budgeting
- Gender representation
- Anti-gypsyism
Result 1 – Community based CSOs' are empowered and involved in sectorial reform monitoring, policy development and budget planning.
Result 2 – Government drafts the New Strategy for Inclusion of Roma, Ashkali and Egyptian communities 2022-2026 and Budgeted Action Plan
Result 3 –Young individuals from Roma, Ashkali and Egyptian communities are empowered and take part in decision making processes.
Result 4 – Community based political parties are accountable and responsive to community needs
Result 5– Central and Local government institutions are responsive to implement the Employment and Housing policies.